How to fight back Ear pain during Flights

Flying to various destinations is a matter of necessity nowadays. However, travelling often poses problems for youngsters or kids who feel a sense of panic due to ear pain during flights. In fact, long international flights are quite painful. The time space is too tiring and the pain occurs when the plane descends to land. The pain may get worse the lower the plane gets and can be quite severe on landing. The pain usually goes away soon after landing. In today's article we shall discuss more regarding Hereby we discuss reason of ear pain and how to control it with the use of easy mediums.
Normally a plane is always well-equipped to cater to everyone. However, children suffer more from ear problems as their Eustachian tube is smaller compared to the elders.Basically theminor space in the middle ear behind the eardrum is occupied with air. This air space is related to the back of the nose by a tiny canal called the Eustachian tube. The air on either side of the eardrum should be at the same pressure. Air pressure is highest nearer the ground. So as a plane descends, the air pressure becomes higher. This pushes the eardrum inwards which can be painful. To relieve this, the pressure inside the middle ear has to rise quickly too. Air needs to travel up the Eustachian tube into the middle ear to equalise the pressure. Children has small openings inside the ear compared to elders
 To control all these problems one must take solutions right with them like chewing, inhaling and of course some toys. Often an aircraft is well-equipped with every kind of medications and some of it is as follows-
1-Antihistamine tablets available in medication shops can be bought and taken before the flight to reduce the amount of mucus that one make.
2-Decongestant tablets or syrup like pseudoephedrine that can be taken orally to get a painless journey and dosages can be repeated if required.
3-Decongestant nasal spray can dry up the mucus in the nose. For example, one contains xylometazoline - available at pharmacies. Spray the nose about one hour before the expected time of descent. Spray again five minutes later. Then spray every 20 minutes until landing. These are only for use for a short time.
4-One way to shun the pain caused by the pressure changes in the airplane is getting and wearing especiallyconscious earplugs that enable in levelling the pressure in your hearing organ. These earplugs come with strainers that will slow down the quickness of air moves in an out of your ears. One can find these at a good Pharmacy.
Similarly when a child faces such kinds of pain it's easy to ask him to chew chocolates or he may try yawning. This action equalizes the pressure of both the ear and the air pressure outside.
 One very famous and easy way to balance the air is using the auto-inflated balloon. Children are normally mischievous and playful. Using a balloon often adds more charm to their inner desire being playful. So, as one inflates the balloon into the size of a grapefruit a sudden click sound balances the pressure adding immense comfort to the child's earache. The pain of the face is often replaced by a sweet, lovable smile. Some of the kids are also provided with milk shakes on the flight because swallowing causes the Eustachian ear to open up and it performs its basic function of equalizing the pressure inside and outside the auricle.
 Say goodbye to ear pain during flights and have a great and safe journey ahead.