KMPlayer Ver 4.0

What is KMPlayer?

KMP is a versatile multi media player which can cover a various different types of contained formats.

Without any separate Codec, you are able to play any media files because KMP has its' own internal Codec. Supported Codec are separated by internal & external. For the sound Codec, KMPlayer supports MPEG1, 2, AAC, WMA 7, 8, OGG & etc. and it additionally supports matrix function/normalizer function when internal sound Codec is being used. Internal Codec gets processed inside of KMPlayer so it’s faster & safer. Also KMPlayer supports all the Codec from ffdshow and it additionally supports MPEG1/2. If you’re a user who finds it inconvenient to install Codec, who has a low CPU computer and/or a user who strives for an excellent multi-media playback player, you’ll be able to modify your environment to a convenient multi-media format by using KMP.

Recommended Specs
  • Windows 2000/XP/Vista, (32bit)/Windows 7 (32bit)
  • Direct x9.0, 30 MB Hard disk space
Important Features
High resolution movie support
Watch movies in superb quality with support for 3D, 4K and UHD.
Supports Many Languages
Supports over 24 languages worldwide
Diverse Format support
Video capture
Capture audio and video or screen capture is possible, and can be saved in the format you want.
Advanced options
Provide full control over DVD selection, Movie menus, audio menus, subtitle menus, brightness/contrast and more, to suit user needs.
Internal Codecs
The codecs come bundles with the software, hence you can watch movies quickly and efficiently.
Link : download

10 Simple CSS Design Tricks

Everyone loves shortcuts. Whether you’re a new CSS developer or a seasoned pro, it never hurts to learn some new, easier ways to do things. It’s the trademark of our times: we want the best result possible in the least amount of time.

Tips and tricks are not often taught in classrooms, whether they are online or in person. You often just have to learn them through experience or by talking to seasoned developers. Luckily, this list is here to help. The following ten tricks can help both newly self-taught and seasoned programmers alike.

1. One liners are your friends.

You really want to keep CSS declarations in one line. Using multiple lines might look prettier, but it will be a nightmare when you have to go back and find something in your code. Having everything on one line makes scanning the document much quicker, since it allows you to see more on a page. When looking for a particular piece, you can simply scan for the ruleset you’re looking for, and find the property you want, since there are rarely that many. Viola, you’re done.

2. CSS shorthand exists for a reason, use it.

Avoiding shorthand is for beginners. Shorthand CSS gives you a shorter way (surprise) of writing your CSS code, which not only saves you typing time, but also makes the code cleaner and easier to understand.

You can waste time writing code like this:

.header {

      background-color: #fff;

      background-image: url(image.gif);

      background-repeat: no-repeat;

      background-position: top left;


Or you can simply write it like this:

.header {

      background: #fff url(image.gif) no-repeat top left


Your choice.

3. Use reset.css across browsers.

Different browsers, like Firefox, Internet Explorer, or Safari, all have different ways of rendering CSS styles. By using reset.css you can reset all fundamental styles and start with real blank new stylesheets. This is extremely important, since it helps reduce browser inconsistencies in things like default line heights, margins, font sizes of headings, and more.

4. Know the difference between “class” and “id”.

This is often a confusing distinction for beginners. When working in CSS, class is represented by a dot “.” while id is represented by a hash “#”. Conceptually, class can be reused while id is used on style that is unique and doesn’t repeat itself.

5. Match images to site color scheme.

This is more of a visual trick than a coding trick, but it’s still an important one. You can completely change the cohesiveness of a site by using CSS to apply tones to grayscale images. Using high resolution PNGs and CSS filters, you can match any portrait to an event’s color scheme or any site photo to a business’s company colors. You can even reuse images across multiple themes by adding a new CSS rule for each.

6. Watch your image size.

For responsive design layouts, you want to optimize images for each layout to reduce scaling and bandwidth issues. Make use of JPEG, GIF and PNG-8 file formats. Try not to use PNG unless it’s completely necessary (say, for the trick above), because it can increase your files sizes by five to ten times.

7. Take advantage of debugging tools.

While tweaking your CSS, it always helps to get an instant preview of your site to help with finding problems and debugging your code. You can find a number of CSS debugging tools online that you simply install on your browser. The best debugging tool actually depends on the browser you’re using, so make sure to look up different options for Firefox, Internet Explorer, or others.

8. Consider a mobile first strategy.

If you’re not familiar with mobile first design, it simply means building the mobile site first before scaling up to build tablet and desktop designs. It’s critical to work with mobile designers who are capable of doing this, and for CSS developers, one of the biggest benefits of adopting a mobile first strategy is to see the way text and logos are viewed. If text is easy to ready on a mobile device, then it probably won’t be an issue on a desktop or tablet. However, text that is easily readable from a computer might not be that readable on a mobile phone.

9. Keep your code clean.

Having a clean code is especially important with responsive design. If you have a messy code, you’ll have a hard time referring to previous code, and the whole thing will turn into a giant mess. As you write, create proper indentation and comment them properly. As you review your code, strip away any nonessentials, which will not only help things look clean, but also improve page loading time.

10. Look at other sites for inspiration.

Often coming up with ideas is one of the hardest parts of CSS design. Go through some of your favorite websites and identify components of each that you really like. You shouldn’t copy and entire site’s design, but it often helps to isolate aspects that could be useful in the site you’re building.

Smadav 2016 Rev. 10.5 released !!!

Recent SmadAV has just been released some time ago and is ready to use for free. He is a genuine antivirus created by the Indonesian original and very helpful in eradicating all local virus that attacks a computer, and even believed he could remove up to 90 % of attacks occur. No wonder if the latest smadav become so popular inside or outside the country.
Smadav 2016 Rev. 10.5 : Adding new 640 virus database, Scanning flashdisk faster and more efficient, Change in the interface design of Smadav 2016, and improvement for use in Windows 10

4 Main function of Smadav :

1) Additional Protection for your PC, 100% compatible with other antivirus products!
Almost all other antivirus cannot be installed with another antivirus, it's because the antivirus designed for main protection in your PC. It's not the case for Smadav, Smadav is an antivirus that is designed as additional (second layer) protection, so it's 100% compatible and could be installed and run together with another antivirus in your PC. Smadav using their own technique (behavior, heuristic, and whitelisting) to detect and clean virus that improves security in your PC.

2) Best USB Antivirus (Total Protection for USB Flashdisk)
USB Flashdisk is one of the most used media for virus spread. Smadav use its own technology to avoid virus spread and infection from USB Flashdisk. Smadav can detect many new unknown virus in USB even if the virus is not in the database. Not only for protection, Smadav can also clean USB Flashdisk from virus and restore hidden/infected file in the USB Flashdisk.

3) Low resource Antivirus
Smadav only using small fraction of your PC resources. Smadav most of the time only use very small memory (under 5 MB) and CPU usage (under 1%). With this very small resource usage, Smadav will not slow your computer. And you can still install another antivirus that will together work with Smadav to protect your PC.

4) Cleaner and tools to clean virus
Smadav can clean some virus that already infected your PC and also fix the registry change made by the virus. Many tools included in Smadav to fight for virus cleaning. The tools are :

    One-Virus By-User, to manually add your suspect file for virus cleaning in the PC.
    Process Manager, to manage processes and programs run in your PC.
    System editor, to change some system options that usually changed by virus.
    Win-Force, to force open some system management programs in Windows.
    Smad-Lock, to immunize your drive from some virus infection.

Smadav 2016 Rev. 10.5
Link : download

Corel PaintShop Pro X8

This program is easy to use and has professional-grade tools. You can learn how to edit on this software and continue to use it as your skill set grows.

Corel PaintShop Pro is a powerful editing and photo management program. While it has many tools, they are organized in a user-friendly interface, making the software easy to use. Because of this, it serves as a good option for both beginning and professional photo editors. We award Corel PaintShop Pro X8 our Top Ten Reviews Gold Award for its wide selection of basic and professional editing tools, advanced organizing system, and user-friendly design.

Ease of Use

As well as some new features, there's been plenty of enhancements to existing ones in Corel PaintShop Pro X8. For example, Batch Process now has a wizard to assist in the operations, Layers has been overhauled to include a Quick Search, Expand/Collapse and the possibility to create a new layer from selected or visible layers. Camera Raw Lab layout has been redesigned with input from PSP users and now features a split screen for before & after.

Once the Terms and Conditions  have been read and agreed to, you can input the  serial code and then you have the option of downloading either 32bit, 64bit or both. Corel recommend the dual download, but it does take up more disk space. Installation took us around two minutes in total – excluding reading the aforementioned T&C's.

Upon opening the platform, we can see the overall look of Corel PaintShop Pro X8 is the same. It's split into three sections and you'll find that the majority of editing suites follow a similar principle these days. The Manage section allows you to select the image(s) you wish to edit. Once you've done that you can go into the Adjust section to make more global changes. For local editing, there's the Edit section.

Loading an image takes you straight into the Edit section which makes us wonder why it's not next to the Manage section in the list at the top. Not that it really matters in the grand scheme of things, it would just look tidier and make it look more like a work flow. The Edit section is where you'll arguably do most of your work as it has the most editing tools.

As we know, the Batch Process has had a new Wizard added to enhance the existing features and make it easier to use. It's a simple three step window that pops up after you've selected the images you wish to batch process. Clicking “Next” will take you to the next window when you've done what you need to do. On the surface, it doesn't look like there's much. After all, there's only five options available to you. However, these options have extra menus for you to choose from and hovering the mouse over each one sometimes has to be done to find the edit option. You can load in a watermark at this stage if you've got one available.

The biggest feature that Corel PaintShop Pro X8 boasts is the Text Wrapping feature. It works simply enough. All you have to do is create a box or shape using the selection tool and start writing in it. The text will automatically fit to the selection box you've made. It doesn't show any spelling errors, so be careful to proof anything you write on it. There also doesn't appear to be a way to start writing anywhere other than the top corner. However, you simply need to relocate the box if you want the text to appear in a different part of the image.

The other new feature in Corel PaintShop Pro X8 is the person/object relocate feature. Corel instructions and marketing says that you just have to select the person or object you want to move, move them and the program does the rest. However, as always with this kind of thing, it's not as simple as that. You do have to select the area you want to move, but then have to press the red cross in the top of the tool palette which enables Magic Move. Then you move it and the program will fill in the space for you. This may take a few moments, but it is working.

Corel PaintShop Pro X8
Link : download

Holy Drones, Batman! Real-Life 'Batplane' Mimics Flexible Wings

When chasing insects for their dinner, bats can perform aerial acrobatics that would shame even the steeliest test pilots. Inspired by the wings that allow bats to pull off such impressive maneuvers, a team of engineers designed new kinds of wing surfaces for drones.

At the University of Southampton in the United Kingdom, a group led by engineering professor Bharathram Ganapathisubramani designed a flexible, membrane wing for small drones, otherwise known as micro air vehicles (MAVs).

MAVs are used for a variety of purposes, including reconnaissance and scientific work. The new membrane wings change shape in response to local conditions in the environment, allowing for more efficient flight. "If you compare a flexible wing to [a] rigid wing, you get far better efficiency," Ganapathisubramani told Live Science. [Biomimicry: 7 Clever Technologies Inspired by Nature]

The team tested its MAV — one that measured about 18 inches (46 centimeters) across — over water near a local beach. The MAV was designed to skim above the surface and land safely, like a seaplane. The membrane is stretched between struts where a stiff wing would ordinarily be, the engineers said. "It just uses a passive membrane that changes shape on its own based on the wind," Ganapathisubramani said.

The early tests were a good start, but Ganapathisubramani wants to take it a step further, he said. Bat wings are membranes stretched between finger bones. The bats' membranes are covered in a network of blood vessels and have muscle, so they can change stiffness and shape depending on what the bat wants to do. The reason bats can change direction so fast and do loops and dives is because they can change their wing shapes, and thus their aerodynamic capabilities, in real time, Ganapathisubramani said.

To get this shape-changing effect, the researchers used a polymer that expands and contracts when a voltage is applied to it. Such polymers have been studied for several years, and can function as a kind of artificial muscle. Because the amount of contraction depends on the voltage only, the currents can be small, the researchers said. Ganapathisubramani's team has tested designs in a wind tunnel and will be experimenting with the drones over the next few years.

"The idea is, in the future, [we could] put it on the drone and run a voltage through the wing," Ganapathisubramani said. The voltage makes the molecules of the polymer squeeze together, and the material has to expand in another direction, similar to what happens when you squeeze a sponge, he added.

While membranous wings wouldn't be practical on a commercial aircraft, it might be possible to make some of a plane's control surfaces flexible, the researchers said. For example, the ailerons (the hinged sections that form part of the trailing edge of a wing) and the rudder could be made with this kind of polymer on the edges. This could make the aircraft's controls more precise, the scientists said. And enabling a plane to change its wing configuration depending on the weather could translate into fuel savings, along with smoother rides, the researchers added.

For now, though, Ganapathisubramani said, he and his colleagues want to use this technology on drones, and they have done computer modeling to decide exactly how to build the wing surfaces.

How to Install XAMPP for Windows

XAMPP for Windows provides an easy to install Apache-MySQL-PHP-PERL-PEAR framework. XAMPP saves time and effort and provides the software support for web frameworks like Drupal, Joomla, Moodle, or wikiMedia on any Windows PC.

1.   Download the software from: 
Select the Installer option under the Basic Package. You may be taken to a page that presents you with a bunch of different download locations. Just click one of the download buttons, and then save the file to your desktop. Once downloaded, the installer works like most Windows installers.
In Internet Explorer, you may get a warning about downloading the file. Click the yellow information bar that appears above the Web page in IE, and choose Download File…

2.   Double-click the .exe file you downloaded.
A window opens, asking you to select the language you’d like to use.
If a warning dialog appears click the "Allow" option to install XAMPP.

3.   Choose a language from the menu, and then click OK.
A Setup Wizard window appears, ready to step you through the setup process.
In Vista you may see a message warning you that XAMPP may not work when installed in the C:\Program Files directory. The default installation is in C:\XAMPP so you don’t have to worry about this problem.

4.    Click the Next button.
The installer suggests putting the application on your main drive at C:\XAMPP. You can pretty much install it anywhere, but with the Vista operating system you may encounter problems if you install it in C:\Program Files.

5.    Click the Next button once again.
The XAMPP Options window appears (see below). In most cases, it’s fine to leave all the window’s checkboxes just as you see; see the note below for details.

 If you plan on doing a lot of development, day in and day out, you might want to turn on the “Install Apache as service” and “Install MySQL as service” checkboxes. A service starts up every time you turn on your computer, so Apache, PHP, and MySQL are always running. However, if you won’t be building database sites frequently, or you don’t have a lot of RAM in your computer, don’t turn on these boxes (you’ll just have to manually start the servers when you wish to build dynamic pages, using the XAMPP control panel described on the next page).

6.    Click Install.
The installer places all the files onto your system. This process takes a while, since a lot of programs and files are being installed.

7.    Finally, click the Finish button.
A window appears “congratulating” you (way to double-click the installer program!), and asking whether you wish to start the XAMPP Control panel.

8.    Click Yes, to open the XAMPP Control Panel (see screenshot below).
The XAMPP Control Panel lets you start and stop the Apache Web server and MySQL database server.

In this figure, both Apache and MySQL are currently NOT running, as indicated by the word Start to the right of their names. Click the Start buttons to turn the servers on. You can open the Control Panel by clicking the XAMPP Control Panel shortcut on your desktop.

9.   If the buttons to the right of Apache and MySQL say Start, click them to start the Web server and the MySQL database server.
You probably get a Windows security alert about both MySQL and Apache: Click the Unblock button in both cases. This action allows the two servers to run, and tells the Windows firewall protection service that everything is OK.If Apache and MySQL are already running, these buttons say Stop. (Clicking them turns off the Web server and MySQL.) Whenever you start Apache, PHP automatically starts as well. At this point, you should have a complete testing server running on your machine. You just need to make sure it’s working.

10.  To do so, launch a Web browser, and, in the Location bar, type http://localhost/.
You encounter a page that lists a bunch of languages; click the language you prefer, and you’re taken to a kind of Web-based control panel for XAMPP (see screenshot below).

Once installed, you can view your XAMPP home page from http://localhost/xampp/. From the left-hand list of links, you can access helpful programs and information, such as phpMyAdmin (for working with the MySQL database) and phpinfo() for finding out more about the server setup.

Once you’ve installed XAMPP, you’ll see a shortcut called XAMPP Control Panel on your desktop. Double-click this icon to control the servers you’ve just installed—you can turn the servers off and on, as well as turn them into services (which launch each time you start up your computer).
To uninstall XAMPP, just go to the location where you installed XAMPP (like C:\XAMPP\) and run the program named Uninstall.exe. This action, however, deletes any databases you created, and destroys any Web pages that you placed on the server. To prevent this process, just follow these steps: First, use phpMyAdmin to export any database you wish to save (you can find instructions at, and then make a copy of your Web pages which are located in the C:\XAMPP\htdocs folder.

Link :  download
Link :  download

BlueStacks Program

BlueStacks is a program used to run Android applications on your PC or Laptop.
Want to play Android games on the laptop or computer?
You can run Android apps on your PC by using the following software.
By using this application you will be able to install and run applications or games based on the android operating system Windows (PC) or Mac.

Bluestacks is an American technology company that produces the BlueStacks App Player and other cloud-based cross-platform products. The BlueStacks App Player is designed to enable Android applications to run on Windows PCs and Macintosh computers. The company was founded in 2009 by Jay Vaishnav, Suman Saraf and Rosen Sharma, former CTO at McAfee and a board member of

BlueStacks supports all Android Apps and Games on your PC, so now you can enjoy your android app like Bbm, Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, AngryBirds Space, Yahoo Mail, Hotmail, Texas Holdem Poker and games that are very popular at the moment like Clash of Clans (COC) on Windows systems.

After the installation is successful on the Windows operating system (PC) or Mac yours. This program has provided an application app store (located in the menu MyApp on BlueStacks) for android that can be used to perform a search application / game with only a type the name of the application / game that you want in the search box and then when they see you just click install and wait a while until the installation is complete.

BlueStacks AppPlayer_SuperSu.exe
Link : download

Marshmallow - Android 6.0 - Problems fixed

Marshmallow Wi-Fi battery drain

This is a fascinating issue, for the most part since it is an instance of the kid who called wolf. Considerable measures of Marshmallow clients have been posting screenshots of their battery use page, which indicate Wi-Fi to be the greatest battery drain on Marshmallow. Much of the time, that is simply false reporting, and the gadget's battery life is really unaffected by Wi-Fi, yet some different clients are seeing the same information and it is influencing their battery.

Solutions for this Marshmallow issue have been proposed. The first is to go to Settings > Backup and reset > Network settings reset to clear all your association information. This incorporates Bluetooth and cellular data, so you'll have to reconfigure everything subsequently.

General Marshmallow battery drain

The fastest solution for fixing battery drain is to update your apps (so that they are compatible with the new Android version) and then wipe the app and system caches to clear out old data. To clear them separately, go to Settings > Apps > select application > Storage > Clear reserve; to clear all application stores at the same time, go to Settings > Storage and USB > Cached information > OK.

To clear the cache of the system, off your smart phone or tablet and afterward press Power and Volume Down until you see the Fastboot menu. Utilize the volume catches to highlight Recovery and press the Power catch to choose it. In the event that you see the robot on its back, hold Power and press Volume Up once to get to the recovery menu. Utilize the volume catches to choose Wipe store segment and press Power to affirm. Once you've wiped the system cache store, you can reboot and your battery drain issue ought to be understood.

In the event that your battery deplete still endures in the wake of clearing the stores, the main step remaining is to production line reset your telephone. To start with, go down everything on your Android and ensure the majority of your imperative documents are sheltered. At that point, go to Settings > Backup and reset > Factory information reset > Reset telephone > Erase everything. On the off chance that the issue proceeds even in the wake of rebooting and restoring your information, attempt to re-streak the Marshmallow firmware.

Marshmallow installation problems

If your phone gets hanged up during the installation process of Marshmallow, the best alternative is to hold up. Now and then the main boot after an upgrade takes quite a while. In the event that's regardless it hung up quite a while later, you can wipe the system cache store through Recovery mode, utilizing the above steps. Restart and install again. In the event that the same things happen, you'll need to back up your information and factory reset before trying to update it again.

Marshmallow Wi-Fi network issues

In case you're getting spotty Wi-Fi network on Android Marshmallow, there are a couple of things you can do. In the first place, have a go at flipping Airplane Mode on and off. On the off chance that that doesn't work, turn off Wi-Fi, reboot your telephone and fail. Next, overlook the association and reconnect to it. At last, go to Settings > Backup and reset > Network settings reset

Marshmallow stability and performance issues

Not all updates are splendidly steady in the good 'olden days. That is the reason Nexus society get them to begin with, so they can discover the bugs and report back to HQ before other people gets them. That is not so much genuine, however ideally it makes early adopters feel like they're performing an open administration when managing new upgrade issues on Android.

On the off chance that you find that your adaptation of Marshmallow is shaky – irregular reboots, application crashes and so on– then you have several choices. Turning off your telephone for a moment before restarting it may alter the issue. The following step is to attempt to recognize the issue, to see whether its application related or brought on by the system itself.

To recognize a tricky application, boot into experimental mode, by holding down the Power catch and afterward long-press Power off. Experimental mode impairs all applications you've introduced so you can survey whether the core system applications are working regularly.

In the event that Marshmallow is unstable even in experimental mode, then it's an OS issue, not an application issue. You can have a go at following so as to clear the cache store and follow the steps in the Battery Drain area above and, if that still hasn't settled your issue, your final resort is to go down your information and factory facility reset your telephone.

Marshmallow charging problems:

Notwithstanding Marshmallow's new USB charging models, Android 6.0 charging issues appear to be really basic, from gadgets that deplete speedier than they charge to telephones that basically won't charge by any means. Marshmallow is making clients gain the battery advantages of its Doze mode and application standby. Google's official answer for a telephone that won't charge on Marshmallow is a processing factory reset, the directions for this can be found above.

Marshmallow mobile data problems:

In the event that your association with versatile information acts unusually after the upgrade, have a go at flipping airplane mode on and off, and afterward doing likewise with portable information in the quick settings. Turn your phone off for a minute and restart it, and soon thereafter you'll be asked to re-enter your SIM pin code. On the off chance, if that still doesn't work you can remove the SIM card and reinsert it again. When in doubt, contact your carrier to check whether there are any known Android Marshmallow issues on your system.

 Today's mobile app development companies create many new android apps and get the solutions fixed quickly and make it easy for the users.

How to Recover Deleted Media Files from HTC on Windows or Mac OS X?

Although the Android phones have no recycle bin for users to get back their accidentally deleted files just like they do on the desktop computer, it is still possible to get back your lost, deleted or formatted files.

However, you need to make sure that there are no new files being added to your device after the target files were deleted by mistake. For example, if you want to recover the deleted photos, at least you should make sure there not any new photos appearing on the photo album. Because the photos were not damaged when tap on the delete button and if you add any new photos to your device. The new files will occupy the space that the deleted one took up and overwrite the deleted files. Thus you have no chance to recover your lost files any more.

Then you need the help of a professional and powerful software to recover the lost files. MobiKin Doctor for Android is highly recommended by its users, it is the most professional data recovery program for Android devices, which aims to help users recover deleted text messages, contacts, photos, music, etc. from all kinds of Android phones and tablets.

There are some detailed introductions of the software below.

- The software can detect the connected device automatically and scan the files in it deeply. It can scan your device completely from the SD card to the internal memory space.
- The program can recover lost files including contacts, SMS messages or media files like photos from your Android phones.
- With a high compatibility, the software can support various brands of Android phones like HTC, Sony, LG, Motorola, Samsung, Nexus and so on.
- The recovered files will be saved with Its original quality on computer.


1.Recover Up to 8 Types of Files on Android
2.Supports 2000+ Android Device Models & Various Android OS
3.Preview Detailed Contents before Recovery
4.Works Well As A Professional Backup Tool

Steps to Retrieve Deleted Media Files from HTC Phone?

    Start the software after you download and install it on your PC. Then use the USB cable to link the device to your computer.

    Then you need to root your Android phone, otherwise your device can not be detected by the software.

    When your device is recognized by the program, then all the files will be displayed on the interface as different categories. Scan and Preview Files on the right panel and hit the Recover button.

Improbable Androids Hacks

No doubt android is the most used operating system and almost shares around 70% in the mobile market.  With such presence in the market, many android applications are alluring people which can be hacked very easily. It is human nature to cheat either someone in their life or even in android games. So here I am going to give you the best ways to hack without rooting your android phone.


If you want to use the full competency of certain apps on your android device then widgets are the best to use.  You can easily customize your home screen according to your taste and make it more reflective with a simple app of widgets. Once you have downloaded widgets app, you can give a personal touch to your phone. Don't let yourself limited by the developer imagination, setup shortcut keys, change theme or wallpapers with easy navigation by making the live interface of the android phone.


You must be interested in this. Imaginative and visionary android hackers are highly operative hacks. Let's take an example of an app OpenSeMe which opens the garage door to your android phone.  Well, it quite easy and cool as this app has many useful advanced features. To open the garage door, this app uses a pin to identify the authenticity of the proprietor and opens the garage door of one block within its radius.


This is exciting when you got the power to control your desktop with your android phone. Google has made this possible with its Remote desktop app. You can setup this app within few minutes just by configuring and installing the chrome on your computer on one side and from Google play store get the android app on another side.  You just need to follow the guidelines and give permission to the app. Within in less time you will be able to control your PC with your phone.


Thinking or recording your screen video?  Well, that's possible now. With AZ screen recorder you can do this very easily.  With this lean app, you can customize its features and a countdown timer which work collectively. This app lets you draw on screen videos, edit or trim videos within the application.


Looking for the app which helps you to navigate easily on your app without getting confused? Surely this Home2 shortcut app will help you in this. This app lets to configure your phone home buttons very easily. With it, you can reassign your favorite app a shortcut and access them without wasting your time navigate by tapping again and again.


Love your old games like Pokémon.  Want to play them again? Then download emulator app which is like a novelty in itself. Revisit your old games like Gameboy and play them once again.


Fed up of reappearing ads while downloading free apps on your android phone? Just install the Adfree app and you can easily hack your mobile and block those irritating ads on our smartphone.  Don't let them hinder your way of downloading free apps on your android phone.

The android version has capable of doing many things even without any modification.  Its security features have made it difficult to root but easy to install apps and customizing its settings.  These rootless hacks will surely give some advantage to you.

Ayurvedic Dietary Supplements To Boost Energy In Men And Women

Are you returning home tired and unable to do any task at home. It is even more difficult for women after returning from work spot. Women have to prepare food for the kids, do all the home chores and satisfy the spouse in bed. How to increase stamina and energy levels naturally is through intake of herbal pills. Revival capsule is one of the best ayurvedic dietary supplements to boost energy.

This herbal supplement is recommended for the treatment of poor immunity, lack of concentration and poor memory. This herbal supplement is developed using proven and time-tested herbs as well as nutrients that have gained worldwide reputation to strengthen the immunity. It protects you from infections. Some of the vital ingredients like Shatavari, Ashwagandha, Shilajit Sudh, Kesar, Safed Musli etc., boost your inner strength. In addition, it has capability to fight bacteria and germs to safeguard you from diseases. It improves the production of white blood cells to eliminate viruses and bacteria.

This herbal pill is rich in minerals, vitamins and antioxidants. It multiplies the production of white blood cells. It promotes production of antibodies. It safeguards from cold, cough and other infections. It improves functioning of nervous, circulatory and respiratory systems. It is a natural rejuvenator and energy booster. Therefore, it is one of the best ayurvedic dietary supplements to boost energy naturally. It eliminates body weakness and promotes mental alertness.

What are the key ingredients in Revival capsules?

Its chief constituents are Tambul, Haritaki, Safed Musli, Ashwagandha, Sudh Shilajit, Shatavari, Javitri, Hirabol, Kasumba, Taj, Jaiphal, Lauh Bhasam, Sonth, Salabmisri, Karanj, Long, Hadtal, Ramayphal, Tambul, Guggul, Kesar, Taj and Kahu. All these herbs are properly blended to increase stamina, strength and energy levels. It offers effective cure for fatigue, muscular weakness, lack of concentration, poor memory, nervous exhaustion, stress and mental fatigue. You need to consume these effective and proven ayurvedic dietary supplements to boost energy. You need to take two capsules daily with plain water or milk for three to four months for enhancing energy levels, stamina and strength. You will feel energetic and powerful with regular use of this herbal pill to perform the daily tasks daily.

Where to buy Revival capsules?

High quality - Revival capsules, which are the best ayurvedic dietary supplements to boost energy, are available at online stores in the denomination of 240, 180, 120 and 60 capsules. You can place the order for these herbal pills using a credit card from the comfort of home.

You need to practice exercises regularly. Best exercises include yoga, walking, push-ups and jogging. It improves blood circulation and strengthens bones and joints. It boosts your energy levels naturally. You are advised to consume one or two raw fruits in the early morning. It provides necessary stamina and energy levels for the daylong activities. You need to consume breakfast after 15 minutes of intake of raw fruits in the morning.

Brown rice is rich in minerals like manganese that uses carbs and protein to produce energy. It provides necessary energy for the whole day. You can include it as a side dish in your diet. You are also advised to include sweet potato, bananas, honey, oranges, apples, beans and spinach in your daily diet.

How to fight back Ear pain during Flights

Flying to various destinations is a matter of necessity nowadays. However, travelling often poses problems for youngsters or kids who feel a sense of panic due to ear pain during flights. In fact, long international flights are quite painful. The time space is too tiring and the pain occurs when the plane descends to land. The pain may get worse the lower the plane gets and can be quite severe on landing. The pain usually goes away soon after landing. In today's article we shall discuss more regarding Hereby we discuss reason of ear pain and how to control it with the use of easy mediums.
Normally a plane is always well-equipped to cater to everyone. However, children suffer more from ear problems as their Eustachian tube is smaller compared to the elders.Basically theminor space in the middle ear behind the eardrum is occupied with air. This air space is related to the back of the nose by a tiny canal called the Eustachian tube. The air on either side of the eardrum should be at the same pressure. Air pressure is highest nearer the ground. So as a plane descends, the air pressure becomes higher. This pushes the eardrum inwards which can be painful. To relieve this, the pressure inside the middle ear has to rise quickly too. Air needs to travel up the Eustachian tube into the middle ear to equalise the pressure. Children has small openings inside the ear compared to elders
 To control all these problems one must take solutions right with them like chewing, inhaling and of course some toys. Often an aircraft is well-equipped with every kind of medications and some of it is as follows-
1-Antihistamine tablets available in medication shops can be bought and taken before the flight to reduce the amount of mucus that one make.
2-Decongestant tablets or syrup like pseudoephedrine that can be taken orally to get a painless journey and dosages can be repeated if required.
3-Decongestant nasal spray can dry up the mucus in the nose. For example, one contains xylometazoline - available at pharmacies. Spray the nose about one hour before the expected time of descent. Spray again five minutes later. Then spray every 20 minutes until landing. These are only for use for a short time.
4-One way to shun the pain caused by the pressure changes in the airplane is getting and wearing especiallyconscious earplugs that enable in levelling the pressure in your hearing organ. These earplugs come with strainers that will slow down the quickness of air moves in an out of your ears. One can find these at a good Pharmacy.
Similarly when a child faces such kinds of pain it's easy to ask him to chew chocolates or he may try yawning. This action equalizes the pressure of both the ear and the air pressure outside.
 One very famous and easy way to balance the air is using the auto-inflated balloon. Children are normally mischievous and playful. Using a balloon often adds more charm to their inner desire being playful. So, as one inflates the balloon into the size of a grapefruit a sudden click sound balances the pressure adding immense comfort to the child's earache. The pain of the face is often replaced by a sweet, lovable smile. Some of the kids are also provided with milk shakes on the flight because swallowing causes the Eustachian ear to open up and it performs its basic function of equalizing the pressure inside and outside the auricle.
 Say goodbye to ear pain during flights and have a great and safe journey ahead.

Tips To Use Coconut Oil To Repair Damaged Hair

People with damaged hair tend to feel terrible about the situation and most think that nothing can be done to reverse the damage. However, a little care goes a long way and you can kick start healthier growths with the right care for your hair. Coconut oil has shown to repair hair and it should therefore be among your remedies for the damaged hair. The market has lots of coconut oil brands and you must ensure that you buy yourself the best quality to see the desired results with your hair. Here are a few tips that can help you use coconut oil appropriately to repair your damaged hair.

1. The simplest way of using coconut oil to repair your hair is when the hair is damp and this mean after taking your bath or shower. Dry the hair a little and then massage coconut oil into the hair and all the way to your scalp.

2. If the oil is sold at room temperature, then you should heat it up between your hands or let the oil jar sit in warm water for a while before you go ahead with the application.

3. Let the length of your hair help you decide what oil amount is best. You should actually begin massaging a little oil at a time using the fingertips and ensuring that you work it all the way into the follicles by applying to the hair roots with care.

4. After applying the oil, you can then cover the hair using a shower cap or towel. You can then leave the oil overnight for deep conditioning treatment. Alternatively, you can just allow it to sit for at least 30 minutes for intensive conditioning.

5. Remember that coconut oil can be runny and messy, hence it is most advisable to apply small amounts until you have done the entire scalp and hair. In case you apply a little too much, you can dry the hair a little using a small towel.

6. Also important to remember is that coconut oil can stain towels and clothes. You therefore should consider getting a towel specifically for your oil treatment sessions so you do not end up running your good towels and linens.

7. Besides directly applying the oil to your hair, you can also use it as shampoo by adding a tablespoon of the oil in warm water and using the water solution like you do with your shampoo. You might not feel like much cleansing is taking place, but the oil is a cleansing agent and it will work well for your hair.

8. To get the best results when using coconut oil as shampoo for your hair, you can mix it up with a hair growth shampoo or deep conditioner after your massage and rinse the scalp clean. It is a good approach to promote better hair growth.

To get the best results with your damaged hair, ensure that you conduct the deep moisturizing session on a regular basis.

Coconut oil has shown to repair hair and you too can use it to reverse the effects of hair loss resulting from damage. Quality oil and the right use of the oil is what you need to start seeing a difference.

How to Optimize Emulsification PCR

In less than thirty years, the polymerase chain reaction(PCR) has swept the life science research, becoming the essential experimental technology of many biological laboratories. Although the basic premise is the same—amplification purposes DNA samples, in recent years, there have been a lot of innovations to put the technology into a number of application areas.
In order to achieve these objectives, the researchers used a high throughput PCR technology in an emulsion solution. These droplets, often taking over only a few liters of volume, can maximize the polymerase reagent ratio, and reduce the waste caused by large volume PCR reaction, which greatly improves the efficiency of work.
Currently, a lot of digital PCR instruments can do such experiments on the market. One of the merits is that such a large number of independent reactions minimize the cross contamination by product. More importantly, the emulsion PCR method can make the tedious experiment evolve into a high-throughput expanded experiment. However, this approach is also flawed. Scientists are still looking for a better solution.
Optimizing aptamer
Selex aptamer is screened out from a random oligonucleotide library through in vitro SELEX technology. Oligonucleotide sequences have high binding specificity with the target molecules, so designing aptamer is often a thankless job. It's quite time-consuming to find suitable aptamer from a large number of possible sequences, which requires to clone the aptamer sequence into the plasmid, then cultures bacteria and selects appropriate analysis cloning. All those candidate aptamer is needed for sequencing, and it is is not cheap. Then it is needed to compare the sequences to find the good aptamer. Finally, the researchers also need to analyze the binding of each aptamer separately. Those will undoubtedly spend a lot of manpower and financial resources.
In order to solve this problem, a PCR based on agarose is used. The agarose droplet itself can work like beads by adjusting the temperature to manipulate agarose from wet/soft nature solid. Therefore, the agarose droplet can facilitate the PCR reaction, and also can be arrayed as solid micro beads.

How To Improve Low Blood Hemoglobin Levels In Body Naturally?

Hemoglobin in our blood is necessary for carrying oxygen, protein and iron to the cells. Oxygen and nutrients are converted into energy via metabolism. Healthy cell reproduction is ensured through the supply of nutrients and oxygen. Therefore, it ensures healthier organs and tissues in your body. Men and women, who are suffering from low hemoglobin levels or anemia, usually suffer from debility, breathlessness, lethargy, fatigue, poor health, severe headache, reduced weight, and muscular weakness. How to improve low blood hemoglobin levels is through intake of Herboglobin capsules.

What are the key ingredients in Herboglobin capsules?

Its chief constituents are Taj, Gajwan, Lauh Bhasma, Sudh Shilajit, Long, Safed Musli, Hira Bol, Aloe Vera, Godanti Hadtal, Kahu, Swaran Bang, Jav, Ashwagandha and Kesar. All these ingredients are perfectly blended to improve low blood hemoglobin levels.

The natural energy enhancer pills - Herboglobin capsules consist of renowned herbs to supplement your body with essential iron and improve red blood cells count. It offers effective cure for dysfunctional spleen as well as liver to boost production of hemoglobin. Therefore, it offers effective cure for anemia in a short span of time.

Powerful herbs like Safed Musli, Kesar, Ashwagandha, Sudh Shilajit and Lauh Bhasma provides iron in bioavailable form. Your body naturally absorbs iron in bioavailable form and relieves you from iron deficiency quickly. Therefore, men suffering from anemia are advised to consume Herboglobin capsules, which help to improve low blood hemoglobin levels.

Shilajit comprises over 85 types of minerals, nutrients and vitamins including iron in bioavailable form so that your body readily absorbs and improves hemoglobin levels. It boosts energy levels and counters fatigue, lethargy and weakness. Shilajit along with Ashwagandha improves levels of hemoglobin and iron and boosts blood circulation. It boosts oxygenation of cells and nutrition and relieves you from anemia. Safed Musli and Kesar improve vitality and boosts blood circulation. In addition, it supplements your body with necessary iron. These two herbs relieve you from blood loss. Women, who are suffering from blood loss during menstruation and childbirth, are advised intake of Herboglobin capsules regularly. It also relieves women from muscular weakness, tiredness and lethargy. It offers mental and physical relaxation and relieves you from anxiety and stress.

Aloe Vera improves RBCs in your blood and reverses the issue of sticky blood. Kahu is rich in alkaloids, minerals, proteins, carbohydrates, vitamins and fiber. It also consists of omega-3 fatty acids. Long improves blood circulation and maintains healthy respiratory system. It boosts oxygen levels in the blood.

Usage Instructions:

You need to consume Herboglobin capsules, which help to improve low blood hemoglobin levels quickly, daily two times with milk or plain water for three to four months.

Where to buy Herboglobin capsules?

You can buy Herboglobin capsules in the denomination of 300, 200, 400 and 100 capsules from reputed online stores. You can also benefit from free shipping to your doorstep.

Intake of vitamin C rich foods is recommended to increase hemoglobin levels. You can include cantaloupe, kiwi, berries and citrus fruits in your daily diet. It is also necessary to consume foods rich in vitamin B12. Therefore, you can include leafy greens, citrus fruits, seafood and lean meat in your daily diet.

Natural Foods And Supplements To Regulate Diabetes In People

Men and women suffering from diabetes have higher levels of blood glucose. It is also called hyperglycemia. Diabetes is a metabolism disorder. The digestive tract converts the starches and sugars in the consumed food into glucose, which enters our bloodstream. Insulin helps the cells in our body to absorb glucose and make use of it for energy needs. If our body is unable to produce sufficient glucose, we suffer from diabetes. Pancreas, which is situated behind our stomach, produces insulin. If the body cells doesn't absorb glucose levels due to lack of insulin, the levels of glucose increases in the blood and leads to development of diabetes.

Diabkil capsules, which are the best natural supplements to regulate diabetes, are manufactured using proven and time tested ayurvedic herbs to reduce blood sugar levels. Potent herbs in this herbal remedy help to optimally utilize the glucose and maintain the healthy cholesterol levels and triglycerides. Regular use of this herbal supplement maintains the glucose levels in urine and blood at normal levels and ensures proper functioning of your body. Therefore, it is one of the best natural foods to regulate diabetes without any fear of side effects.

Regular use of Diabkil capsules, which are the effective natural supplements to regulate diabetes, offers effective treatment for pain in legs, body ache, giddiness, weakness, polyuria and pruritus. It relieves you from diabetes complications and nourishes your entire body.

Herbs like Bilvapatra, Methi, Jamun, Neem, Karela and Gurmar improves functioning of pancreas and ensures regeneration of beta cells. Healthy pancreas produces sufficient insulin to maintain healthy blood sugar levels. Gurmar is one of the best herbs to control sugar metabolism. It supports healthy liver function by increasing beta cells and ensures normal serum cholesterol. It also ensures healthy triglycerides levels. All these herbs in right combination makes Diabkil capsule one of the best natural foods to regulate diabetes.

Diabkil capsules, which are the best natural supplements to regulate diabetes, are recommended for the treatment of glucosuria, diabetes mellitus, high blood sugar or hyperglycemia, and weakness caused due to diabetes.

What are key ingredients in Diabkil capsules?

Its key ingredients include Tarvar, Haldi, Rasont, Methi, Neem, Karela, Indrayan, Bimbaphal, Sudh Shilajit, Jaiphal, Giloy, Bhagaphal, Kachlora, Kali Mirch, Vidarikand, Gurmar, Bilavapatra, Jamun, Safed Musli, Rasont, Kasondi, Sajji Kar and Arjun.

Usage Instructions: You need to consume Diabkil capsule, which is one of the best natural supplements to regulate diabetes, daily 10 minutes before intake of food. You need to consume these herbal supplements for three to four months for the best results.

Sudh Shilajit has anti disease properties to cure diabetes, obesity, anemia, nervous disorders, kidney stones, arthritis etc. It relieves you from stress and boosts your physical performance. It improves strength and stamina. It regulates blood sugar. Kali Mirch offers effective cure for flatulence, nausea, lack of appetite, cholera and diarrhea. It improves digestion and prevents intestinal gas. Neem offers effective cure for type 2 diabetes by reducing blood sugar levels. Giloy is widely used for the treatment of digestive tract disorders, diabetes, asthma, jaundice, cardiac disorders, anemia and fever.

All these herbs in right combination makes Diabkil capsule one of the best natural supplements to regulate diabetes. You can buy Diabkil capsules from reputed online stores using a credit or debit card in the denomination of 100, 300, 150 and 200 capsules. The best natural foods to regulate diabetes include avocado, apples, beans, barley, broccoli, berries, carrots, fish and eggs.

Natural Ways To Enhance Energy And Stamina In Body Effectively

Men and women, who are feeling weak due to lower energy levels, can use herbal pills to enhance stamina, strength and energy levels naturally. One of the best natural ways to enhance energy and stamina is through intake of Sfoorti capsule. It consists of nutrients and powerful herbs to increase energy, mental and physical stamina, and endurance. It is developed using only pure herbal ingredients. You can use this herbal pill daily for enhancing energy levels and perform the tasks perfectly.

Potent herbs in this herbal pill boost blood circulation and supply essential nutrients to your body to increase energy levels naturally. Herbs including Musli Safed, Shilajit, Ashwagandha, Kavach Beej, Saffron etc., improve stamina and energy levels naturally. It relieves you from weakness, fatigue and stress. It boosts sex drive and keeps you in good mood. It will enhance stamina and power and helps to perform better in bed.

Shilajit supports kidneys, muscles, bones, memory, metabolism and immune system. It improves vitality, stamina and energy levels. It supplements your body with essential vitamins, minerals and nutrients. It improves physical strength and transports nutrients into the tissues. It eliminates toxins from your body. It rejuvenates your whole body. It offers effective cure for age related wear and tear. It strengthens your reproductive organs. It offers one of the best natural ways to enhance energy and stamina.

Musli Safed improves wellness and overall health. It improves semen load and sperm count. It offers effective cure for low libido, weakness and fatigue. Its key ingredients are Saffron, Shilajit, Ashwagandha, Kudzu, Gokshura and Kavach Beej.

Gokshura offers effective cure for diseases associated with urogenital system. It helps to detoxify your urinary system. It relieves you from inflammation and offers effective cure for intestinal worms. It improves energy, stamina and sex drive. It strengthens immunity and muscles. It is used for the treatment of impotence, sexual dysfunction and kidney problems. It has anti-tumor and antibiotic properties. It reduces blood sugar and cholesterol.

Kavach Beej improves sex drive in women and men. It improves memory power, muscle mass and boosts weight. It offers effective cure for erectile dysfunction by reducing the effect of prolactin. It boosts erection quality and male fertility. It is also widely used for the treatment of diabetes, muscular pain, rheumatic disorder, diarrhea, menstrual pain, intestinal gas and tuberculosis. It is a rich source of minerals, carbohydrates, lipids, protein and dietary fiber. It also consists of saponins, alkaloids and sterols. It improves production of testosterone. It lowers blood pressure and blood sugar. In addition, it relieves you from nerve pain and inflammation. It boosts blood circulation. It relieves you from anxiety and stress. It also improves your stamina and strengthens the sexual glands.

Ashwagandha rejuvenates your body and boosts mental and physical health. It relieves you from anxiety and boosts energy levels. It promotes male fertility. It relieves you from fatigue and promotes longevity.

All these herbs are blended in right combination and offer one of the best natural ways to enhance energy and stamina. Men and women looking for natural ways to enhance energy and stamina are advised to buy Sfoorti capsules from reliable online stores.